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5 Common Myths About Moles Debunked

Moles can be a source of fascination for many people. You often hear myths and old wives’ tales about these small, dark spots that seem to show up on your skin. Any mole is an indicator of health problems in the future, so it is important to know what is true and what isn’t when it comes to your skin. This article will aim to debunk some of the most common myths about moles to help set the record straight! That way, you can be more informed and work to maintain a healthy complexion.

The Difference Between A Mole And A Freckle

Often confused for one another, moles and freckles appear similar from a surface level, but there are several distinct differences in how they develop and what they look like. While both are composed of melanocytes — the cells that give color to your skin — moles tend to be darker and more prominent than freckles. Typically, people with a fair complexion will have more prominent freckles on their faces or arms; however, those with darker complexions usually have fewer.

Moles, on the other hand, occur when clusters of pigmented cells form together. These can look round or oval-shaped and range in color from black to brown to pink. Often people will only have a few moles, but some can develop dozens throughout their lives.

Common Myths About Moles

“A Mole That Has Hair Is Cancerous”


The common misconception that “a mole that has hair is cancerous” has been around for a long time, but the truth is not entirely black and white. While it may be true that some moles with hair can be a sign of malignant melanoma, this does not necessarily mean all moles with hair are cancerous. The presence of hair in moles does, however, increase the odds that it might be malignant, so if you find a mole with hair, it’s important to have it checked by a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, some moles can naturally grow out hairs, which doesn’t automatically signify cancer; other factors, such as irregularities in color or shape, must also be considered. In general, it’s better to err on the side of caution and get any suspicious-looking moles examined by your doctor for peace of mind.

“Picking A Mole Makes It Grow”


It’s a common belief that picking or scratching at a mole can make it grow larger, although the truth is much different. A collection of cells underneath the skin, called melanocytes, that have grown together cause moles. If these cells are disturbed or removed, they will not heal by reproducing exponentially afterward.

It’s also important to understand that moles can be affected by touching them because any irritation – even one that does not cause significant damage – can still lead to inflammation, increasing their size temporarily. Regardless of your experience, it is always best to leave moles alone whenever possible and consult a dermatologist if they become large or start changing in shape or color.

“Any Itchy Mole Is A Sign Of Cancer”


It is easy to understand why so many people believe the myth that “an itchy mole is a sign of cancer,” as those two words are often closely linked. However, this commonly-believed myth is mainly false. While cancer may cause an itchy mole, most itching moles can likely be due to other causes, such as trapped hairs or skin irritation from scratching at itself. Most cancers are entirely asymptomatic, meaning they produce no visible signs, such as an itchy mole.

It is always important to get any persistent changes in your body checked out by a professional, but when it comes to itching moles already present on the body, look into all potential causes before leaping to any scary conclusions.

“You Should Only Remove Cancerous Moles”


As silly as it may sound, many people believe that you should only remove moles if they are cancerous; however, this is not always the case. While it is true that removing a cancerous mole can be beneficial for health, it is important to remember that moles can also cause discomfort or pain, even if they are not cancerous. Even if there are no concerning signs such as itching or irritation, depending on the size and location of the mole, removing them can help prevent any potential issues in the future and lead to greater long-term satisfaction with physical appearance.

But if you do decide to get them removed, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor or dermatologist about the procedure and any aftercare tips that can help you keep your skin healthy and looking its best.

“Ripping A Mole Off Can Have Dangerous Consequences”


You might have heard that removing a mole by ripping it off can have dangerous consequences, such as infection, scars, or even cancer. While there is some truth to this statement, it doesn’t mean that if you accidentally rip off a mole, it will automatically cause harm to your skin or your health. Due to the sensitive nature of skin and moles, it is always best to consult with a professional about any removal techniques that you may be considering.

Additionally, suppose you notice that your skin has become infected or damaged after removing a mole. In that case, it is important to consult a professional as soon as possible. They will be able to provide the proper treatment to keep your skin healthy and looking its best.

Signs You Should Have A Doctor Look At A Mole


With all the different information about moles and how they can be removed or handled, it can sometimes be challenging to know what is right and wrong. To help clear things up a bit more, here is a look at some signs that you should have a doctor look at a mole:

  • If the mole changes in color, shape, or size and you notice other unusual symptoms such as itching or tenderness.
  • If the mole is bleeding or oozing fluid, even if it does not seem to be painful or cause significant discomfort.
  • If the mole is severely painful or causing significant discomfort for no apparent reason.
  • If the mole appears to be growing rapidly or unusually changing shape and you have not yet consulted a doctor about it.

Ultimately, the best thing to do is schedule an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist as soon as possible. They will be able to provide you with the information and guidance that you need to maintain your skin’s health and appearance.

Know The Truth Behind These Myths About Moles!

Moles can be the cause of confusion for many people. It is important to remember that moles are not always cancerous or dangerous and may be worth considering removing for aesthetic purposes. However, if you notice any concerning symptoms or changes in your moles, including pain, bleeding, itchiness, or rapid growth, consult a doctor immediately to take the proper precautions and receive the best treatment possible. In the meantime, take care of your skin and remember the truth behind these common myths about moles.

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